六地蔵 Rokujizō

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一枚の石に二体ずつ彫ったものを三枚並べて、 その上に長い石で屋根を載せています。 仏教によれば、 人は死後生前の行いによって 「地獄道、 修羅道、 餓鬼道、 畜生道、 人道、 天道」 の六道に送られます。 この六地蔵は村境や辻にあって、 それぞれの道にいる人間にあまねく慈悲をたれるといわれています。

サイズ:1000 x 2300 x 600mm
収蔵場所:宮城県塩竈市 寒風沢 (山ノ神・小学校手前の三叉路)




The six Jizos are aligned side by side. There are three stones with two carved Jizo on each, and there is a long stone roof on the top.
According to Buddhism, after death, people are sent on one of six roads: “The Road of Hell, The road of Carnage, The Road of the Devil, The Road of the Beast, The Human Road, and The Road of Heaven”. Which road you take depends on how you have lived your life. These Jizos are located in the borders of villages or crossroads to give mercy to people who are on their way.


Sabusawa island (Yamanokami, at the junction of three roads in front of the elementary school), Shiogama, Miyagi