烏天狗と猪の大絵馬 A great picture tablet of raven long-nosed goblin and a boar

鹽竈神社博物館 | , |
  • ツイッターボタン
  • フェイスブックボタン
  • グーグルバズボタン
  • ヤフーボタン
  • はてブボタン
  • デリシャスボタン


元和元年(1615)大坂の夏の陣に伊達政宗とともに出陣した片倉家の祖 小十郎重綱が、山城国愛宕大明神の霊験により大勝を得たことに感謝し、愛宕神社に絵馬を奉納しました。片倉家ではこの絵馬を模写し、崇敬する諸社に奉納したことが知られており、鹽竈神社に奉納された絵馬もその中の1枚であると考えられています。

収蔵場所:鹽竈神社博物館 塩竈市一森山1-1


より大きな地図で 「文化の港 シオーモ」 を表示


A great picture tablet of raven long-nosed goblin and a boar

In September, Kyowa 3(1803), this picture tablet was dedicated by Katakura Kojyurou, a lord of Shiroishi castle. In February of 1860, it was noted in the back of the tablet that the castle lord Murakage ordered the artist Shunyo Kawamura to restore the fading color of the picture. Shigetsuna, an ancestor of the Katakuras, fought in a battle in Osaka in Genwa 1(1615). He is said to have won that battle due to the miraculous efficacy from the great Atago deity in Yamashironokuni (now Kyoto), and thus dedicated the picture tablet there. The picture tablet dedicated to Atago shrine in Shiogama was an imitation of that tablet. It is a big picture tablet that is 1.8m long and 1.5m wide, and is presently preserved in the Shiogama shrine museum.


1-1 Ichimoriyama, Shiogama, Miyagi (Shiogama shrine museum)
